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Summary Report: High Quality Contraception Services

Many factors can affect the quality of contraception services, including ease of access to services, provider skill level and comfort, and understanding of what client-centered care means in the context of contraceptive service provision. The Oregon Guidance for the Provision of High-Quality Contraception Services: A Self-Assessment Tool allows clinics to assess the current state of their contraception services. Assessment results can then be used to identify areas of strength, areas for improvement and to create an action plan for change.

Overall Score for Quality of Contraception Services:
DOMAIN Domain Score Max Score Possible
Access 0 42
Service Provision 0 39
Community Collaborations with Other Providers 0 8
Evaluation of Patient Experience with Contraception Services 0 4
TOTAL 0 93

<50 = Services do not meet the minimum standard for quality contraception services

50 - 69 = Services meet the standards for a Quality Contraception Provider

>70 = Services meet and/or exceed standards for an Expert Contraception Provider

Interpreting the Results

This table presents the total score for the assessment and the score for each domain, alongside the maximum possible score for each domain. Overall assessment scores of less than 50 indicate significant room for improvement, and clinics are encouraged to review strategies for improvement available for each domain in the Strategies and Resources Guide. See the complete breakdown of scores for each domain on the next page. Remember, the scores for this assessment on this date reflect a place in time, a snapshot of the quality of your clinic’s contraception services. This clinic selfassessment tool and resultant action plan are designed to be living documents for guiding quality improvement efforts over time.

Next Steps
  • Review the assessment results with your team.
  • Prioritize the components within the domains in which your clinic would like to focus improvement efforts.
  • Visit the Strategies and Resource Guide for resources and recommended strategies. Develop strategies to tackle the domains that may be more difficult to modify.
  • Create an action plan for improving your clinic’s score on priority domains. A template can be found on the My Plan page.
  • Identify and highlight the strengths of your clinic in the provision of contraceptive services and consider how you might build on those strengths.
  • Determine how your clinic can disseminate the assessment results and develop a communications plan to do so.
  • Decide with your team when is most appropriate to re-take the assessment to monitor improvements over time.
DOMAIN 1: Access Domain Score Max Score Possible
1.1 Timeliness of Care 0 10
1.2 Affordability/Cost 0 12
1.3 Special Populations/Diversity 0 12
1.4 Language/Health Literacy/Communication 0 8
DOMAIN 2: Service Provision Domain Score Max Score Possible
2.1 Assess for Pregnancy Intentions 0 2
2.2 Counseling and Education 0 8
2.3 Condoms and Vasectomy Services 0 2
2.4 Services for Youth 0 6
2.5 Services for Postpartum and/or Breastfeeding Women 0 6
2.6 Contraceptive Supplies 0 4
2.7 Contraceptive Procedures: LARC Insertion/Removal and Diaphragm Fitting 0 6
2.8 Patient Support for Contraception Management 0 5
DOMAIN 3: Community Collaborations with Other Providers Domain Score Max Score Possible
3.1 Linkages to Contraception Services 0 4
3.2 Linkages to Social and Behavioral Services, Including Domestic Violence/ Mental Health/Substance Abuse 0 2
3.3 Linkages to Primary Care and/or Chronic Disease Care Management Services 0 2
DOMAIN 4: Evaluation of Patient Experience with Contraception Services Domain Score Max Score Possible
4.1 Evaluation of Patient Experience 0 4